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The Rise of Religions and their Treatment

The Rise of Religions and their Treatment

The Rise of Religions and their Treatment

As the civilizations progressed, people started taking interest in things other than arranging for means of living and subsistence. They started worshipping different things according to their beliefs for their welfare. One thing that is common among almost all civilizations is that all of them used to worship the nature. The reason behind this would have been very simple, that they had developed a sense of paying respect to the things which helped them in their survival.

If we consider the Indus Valley Civilization then we find here signs of worship of the sun, fire, water, animals and of many other symbols also. As the society further developed in later periods then, different communities developed their own ways of worshipping of their own deities or symbols.

Indus Valley Civilization

In the Vedic period, the society got divided on the basis of work after the development of the Caste System and people had learnt to lead their lives according to the rituals. Gradually, these rituals and practices developed even further and in later times, werecol- lectively termed as Hinduism.

Caste System

After the advent of Lord Buddha and Lord Mahavira, the same rituals underwent many changes and metamorphosed into two new religions which we know as Buddhism and Jainism.

Mahatma Budhha
Lord Mahavira

In the same way, Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad are associated with the beginning of the religions respectively called Christianity and Islam.

Jesus Christ
Prophet Muhammad

By the advent of the medieval period, we find the mention of a lot many gods and religions around the world. In this very period, during the 15th century, a divine man who was later known as Guru Nanak Dev Sahib was born in Punjab.

Guru Nanak Dev ji

He founded the religion of the Sikhs, i.e. Sikhism. His message to the world was to follow the values of mutual fraternity and cooperation. A very large number of people in Punjab became his followers and today, people with belief in Sikhism can be found in every corner of the world.

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