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Tag: 75th Independence Day

India moves on ignoring the barbarians | OPINION

India moves on ignoring the barbarians | OPINION

Today after 75 years, the Indian economy is surging and its foreign policies are moulded keeping in mind the country’s own interest rather than that of some super power. The year 2022 has been a momentous one for India for a few reasons. First, it has lost its nightingale Lata Mangeshkar, the most recorded singer in […]Read More

No Matter What it Says Now, RSS Did Not Participate in the Freedom Struggle

No Matter What it Says Now, RSS Did Not Participate in the Freedom Struggle

V.D. Savarkar was providing the direction of the organisation and of the Hindu Mahasabha from behind the scenes. As the country waves flags and celebrates the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, it is also time to take stock. What did India’s founders and citizens dream of, how has India fared, what have been our challenges […]Read More

Inheritance of ‘Enemy’ Property by Indian Citizens Is Still a Bit of Unfinished Business of Partition

Inheritance of ‘Enemy’ Property by Indian Citizens Is Still a Bit of Unfinished Business of Partition

The long shadows of 1947 still reach this democratic and secular democracy. As the country waves flags and celebrates the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, it is also time to take stock. What did India’s founders and citizens dream of, how has India fared, what have been our challenges and successes? The Wire’s reporters and […]Read More

As India Turns 75, Here’s 75 Debates for Argumentative Indians

As India Turns 75, Here’s 75 Debates for Argumentative Indians

From the world of politics and diplomacy to security and sports, culture, ideas and society, there is no denying the salience of these names for Independent India. This list is intended to provoke debate and disagreement–even consternation– rather than to be definitive. It is entirely personal, drawn up by a 60-year-old who was born just […]Read More


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