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Exhibition on 1984 anti-Sikh riots organised at GNDU

Exhibition on 1984 anti-Sikh riots organised at GNDU

Put up on GNDU campus & a large number of students, scholars came to see the exhibition

Student organisation ‘Sath’ organised a photo exhibition based on documents, photographs and literature on 1984 anti-Sikh riots.

The exhibition was put up at Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) campus and a large number of students, scholars came to see the exhibition at the Arts Cafe.

At the opening ceremony, a booklet published by the organisation was also distributed. The organisation, Sath, has been organising various programmes to mark the 1984 Sikh riots through awareness programmes. A spokesperson from the organisation said efforts were made to create awareness among students through lectures, marches and photo exhibitions.

The exhibition, through these pictures, depicted the historical events leading to the events in 1984 and also included literary works by prominent Punjabi writers related to the subject.

©The Tribune

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