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Birdwatch: Black-rumped Flameback’s repeated knocks on dry trees gives a musical experience

Birdwatch: Black-rumped Flameback’s repeated knocks on dry trees gives a musical experience

The species also called Lesser Goldenback can be identified from its overall golden yellow upper parts with spotting on black throat, shoulders, and folded grimparies, black rump and tail.

Black-rumped Flameback also known as Lesser Goldenback is one of the very common resident birds in the Inter-State Chandigarh Region (ISCR). The male and female of the bird look similar. The species can be identified from its overall golden yellow upper parts with spotting on the black throat, shoulders and folded grimparies, black rump, and tail.

As the gardens and parks are its favourite habitats, chances are high in spotting them in the public parks, gardens, and in the canopy of tall trees in Tricity. Observing the Lesser Goldenback climb trees at a slow pace and listening to its repeated knocks with the beak on dry trees to prey on insects, especially at a time when there is no other sound is a musical experience. Such sights are common at Leisure Valley, Sector 10, Children Traffic Park, Sector 23 etc where one can spot bamboo trees in abundance.

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